Fouviere Basilica in the distance

I know its been quiet here for the last week but holy smoke has it been busy. We have an hour commute each way via the metro to the client which includes a mile and a half walk from and to the metro station on the client end. On the hotel end we have mostly an indoor walk through the commercial center and only a brief exposure to the elements. Posting this on Sunday afternoon after a walk around. Quite cold about 25 F and expected to get into the teens tonight. I imagine the commute in the morning will be absolutely frigid. Not only that but it has begun to snow!
Everything shuts down on Sunday here. Not even a kiosk in the mall is open. I did manage to find a little market this am to replenish my water supply. Caught up on the time reporting and expense reports--so ready for another week.
Still unable to VPN out of here as the hotel has no public IP addresses to use..so no contact with the corporate network for 4 more weeks. The client refuses to allow us to connect to their network so I guess we a SOL.
This is the first picture to post to the blog. Enjoy and I will try and do more now that I have it almost figured out.
Intersting note. I turned on CNN last night out of boredom and lo and behold there was the Daily Show. I will have to check again and see if it is regular occurence. CNN international is a wee bit different from the domestic version it seems.
Au Revoir