Saturday, April 30, 2005


Someone must have a name for it. I’ve been out of the country for a couple of weeks and what with work and WiFi problems have been pretty much isolated from the internet and the blog world. Sitting here on a Saturday morning and trying to recover the ebb and flow of the net over the last two weeks is very strange. Quite a bit has happened and a lot of insightful comments but it is all passed now and anything I might add would be old hat. Gives one a strange sense of helplessness and/or out of control feeling. I can pitch right in, which I will do soon, but it will not remove the feeling of loss or lost opportunity. I did manage one post with the Blackberry but it wasn’t very rewarding somehow. Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone might have a good name for the withdrawal of the internet and the blogs for an extended period. Webenvy, netloss, blogified, blogidosis? Maybe something circumspect like winkleidis?

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