Saturday, January 28, 2006

Last Day Panic

Sorry for the absence but there was a last day of urgent touristing to get done today before I have to head back to Sunnyvale for the week. This time it was the North Georgia hills and all of the folk potters we know. My wife and I have been collectors for years of folk pottery mostly from north Georgia but also from Alabama, North and South Carolina. Over the years we have sought out the hidden valleys where the traditional potters still throw their ware in the old ways and fire it in wood fueled kilns. So we did north Georgia today and just got back home at 945 in the evening. I am bushed and have to get all my ducks in a row for getting back to the west coast tomorrow.

There is some good news however. I didn't buy any more pottery today though our English friends succumbed to a few pieces. Not that I wasn't tempted mind you.

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