Thursday, August 17, 2006

Glad About Iraq?

Josh Marshall has a very interesting question over at Talking Points. I had a similar thought when I heard about the "plot" in London last week.

Is there anyone in the country who can say honestly, in their heart of hearts, that when that moment of fear hit them after the recent reports out of London, they said to themselves, "God, I'm glad we're in Iraq"?
I think this same feeling and realization is starting to hit a lot of Americans. We can't resist the gut fear that hits when we hear about an imminent terror attack, reminding us of 9/11, but we can stand far enough away now to apply some reality and thought to our intinctive reaction. The conclusion that more and more people are coming to is that our government has let us down in the GWOT and that we are actually worse off because of Iraq both in the "pool" of available terrorists and the money and manpower to respond to the true enemies.

I doubt any of the readers of this blog will disagree but if you do speak up.

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