Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Looking Like it is Almost Over

With Obama taking an 18% lead in Wisconsin and Texas looking like a tossup it is becoming increasingly clear that Obama is going to be the Democratic nominee. While I have some reservations, I can live with that. We will just keep our focus on making sure he wins the White House with a resounding mandate and then doesn't forget that he is promising change. We need change in the form of revolution and I will make sure my voice is out there making it happen.

The biggest challenge is to get him to ignore the money he has received from big business and health insurance providers particularly and get him to rethink his position on universal healthcare. It is the number one domestic issue and getting a single payer health care system in place in the U.S. will have the greatest impact in every sphere of American life. It is the big advantage the Euro community has over the U.S. when it comes to the welfare of their populations.

As the most likely next President there are huge challenges to be faced and Bush has left the piggy bank empty and then some. The economy, Iraq and Afghanistan, gutted Federal agencies and a world that hates and fears us await Obama should he walk into the White House next year. Not an easy task and one that is going to require sacrifice and pain from all Americans.

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