Friday, April 18, 2008

Back North

Back from Cornwall and in Derbyshire and back to typical English spring weather...cold and drizzle with a nice wind to make it impossible to stay dry. We had stellar weather while in the South and while it never got into the 70's it was sunny and you really only needed a jacket on the coast with the cool wind coming off the sea. No rain at all which is quite a feat this time of year. I took over 400 pictures including a hundred or so at the wedding. I am posting a couple for your enjoyment. I don't have any editing software on the laptop so you get them as is with no cropping.
Still trying to catch up on what I missed while away...besides the Masters. I'll be back a bit later.

On top is the Smuggler's Cott Restaurant in Looe. If you click on the image you will note that the date on the sign is 1430 and note the height of the door.
Next is the western half of Looe as seen from the sea.
I mentioned the hedgerows and the odd driving. All you can see a lot of the time is the hedgerow and these aren't the tallest we encountered. This is the road into Padstow on the Western coast. Not that I am being critical but there are thousands and thousands of roads just like this in the UK and it makes the drivers quite skilled and dodging each other and making two pass where there is only room for one and a half.
Lastly, we have a view of the southern most point in England called Lizard. Here we are looking westward. Below is a launching point for a lifeboat.

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