Saturday, April 07, 2012

Holiday Over

Our friends have left to  catch the last two days of the Masters in Augusta. We had a great time...ate too much and all that. Both of them look great and especially Fred and he seems to have bounced back from heart surgery and abdominal surgery last year. He even went to the gym with me one day. Madam caught up on all the gossip with her best friend. It was really a nice time. No real agenda, just hanging out.
I did get the garden laid out yesterday afternoon so some gardening was done on the week off and I'll probably get some planting done over the week. The nighttime temps have gone back to pretty much normal for this time of year so I don't feel so pressured to get something in the ground as they will just sit there until the temps stay a little warmer overnight.
Back to work today and tomorrow and both days I am scheduled as a Lot Associate. Probably won't have to actually do the lot stuff, which is hard work for an old man but I least it won't get into the 80's today or tomorrow.
Everyone, who feels so inclined, enjoy your Easter. Try and limit the jelly beans, Peeps and chocolate bunnies if you can. If you actually went all old fashioned and colored some actual eggs try making deviled eggs after you roll them around the lawn. I might add that a pinch of curry powder, Dijon mustard, a pinch of sea salt and rice vinegar make a nice deviled egg. If you are adventurous then a bit of Srirachi makes a fine addition as well.

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