Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So I got picked for a jury and I have to make another trip downtown to the courthouse again tomorrow and probably again Thursday. Criminal case of multiple ADW. Should only go for a couple of days but  the PTB's at HD weren't happy when I stopped in this evening to tell them I would miss my shifts tomorrow and Thursday. The only bright spot is that I don't have to report until 930a. It takes me about an hour and a half to get to the courthouse via  the train and a short walk so if I am out of here by 730a tomorrow I should be good. Today, in order to be there by 8a I got rolling by 530a and I was a bit early.


David Duff said...

Don't fuss about the details, FM, just take a good book to wile away the hours and when the time comes vote for the rascal to be hanged - 'pour encourager les autres', and all that sort of thing!  (Er, how was my accent?)

Steve Bates said...

"(Er, how was my accent?)" - DeeDee

Clearly from somewhere in Africa...