Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Spring Is Coming

The middle of January is when I get my seed order together for the spring. I am going to limit myself to just a few catalogs this year. Here are the ones I find the best for me.

Park Seed (a Southern seed company so their varieties lend themselves to us Southern gardeners
Territorial Seed - lots of hard to find seeds
Seeds of Change - again lots of hard to find and organic
Seed Savers Exchange- the go to source for heirloom and open pollinated varieties

I may cheat and turn to a few others but most of my seed will come from the ones above. I have, of course, saved seed from last year's heirloom peppers and tomatoes.

The hard part comes into winnowing all the wants from the needs and not getting carried away with things that I won't have the space to grow. I went crazy with peppers last year and wound up giving away probably a hundred pounds. I didn't plant enough beans for drying because I used so much space for peppers and tomatoes. I'll to better this year and I am thinking hard about not using up so much space growing corn.


  1. One of the most delightful aspects of Winter is going through plant and seed catalogs. I'm a sucker for aquatic plants.

  2. I recommend Nichols Garden Nursery: https://www.nicholsgardennursery.com/store/
