Monday, August 31, 2009

Still Raining

Well it is still raining here in Georgia so the weekend didn't include much in the great outdoors. Just as well actually since the rain caused several large Ancho/Poblano pepper plants to fall and break leaving an emergency "deal with the peppers" event. Yesterday was spent making cucumber & pepper relish and pepper & onion relish. It's all canned and processed, though what we will do with it all is another question entirely. Based on the very rare occasion that I succumb to the need for a "tube steak" and need a few tablespoons of relish I now have enough for 50 or 60 years. I can use it for making tuna salad so maybe 30 years is a better estimate.

Yours truly managed to get into some poison ivy or oak last week while cleaning up in the garden. Only a small bit but it is on the left side of my face from my lower eyelid down to my upper lip. Irritation, irritation and very inconvenient. An archeologist friend, with extensive experience in such things, recommended a product called Zanfel and I went to CVS to get some...It was $40 for a small tube!... and since the dollar I invested in the lottery didn't bring me $350 million I guess I will stick with the calamine.

Strange weekend...Saturday saw us laying to rest one of our great liberal statesmen Ted Kennedy and Sunday saw the media giving Darth Cheney a pulpit to praise torture and lawlessness. Very strange indeed. The head "Death Eater" had the nerve to complain that Obama administration should be asking him how he had prevented a "mass casualty" attack on the U.S. for the last eight years and not investigating the unlawful torture and murder done on his watch. Seems to me the last "mass casualty" attack on the U.S. was on his watch but whatever and I don't really remember asking Clinton how he had prevented an attack during his 8 years on office. Like I said...whatever.

The economy, or lack thereof, is in the news this morning. The WSJ has the bad news about the commercial real estate market and it is really ugly. Several people are asking how in the hell the economy is going to recover without improving wages and employment...the resounding answer is that it won't.

Everybody have a great Monday and let's keep our fingers crossed that something happens to put out the fires in California.

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