Monday, September 09, 2013

Monday, Monday

Yes, it is Monday. I'm off and dressed for the gym but I think I am going to blow it off and go work in the garden. I'm a little behind my plan for building beds and I have enough blocks to build two today if I get an early start. Might hit 90F by this afternoon(summer finally) and only a small chance of rain. I'll have a couple of mornings later in the week to do the gym thing and it is not like I won't be getting any exercise moving cinder block all over the place as well as moving dirt.

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. Had a nice dinner and I didn't screw up the expensive steaks nor the shrimp. Betty the Beagle has decided that she likes beef tenderloin OK and grilled shrimp isn't too bad either. She also thinks licking the dessert plates after fresh peach tart with ice cream is pretty keen as well.

SO...I am off to change into garden grunge and get to work. Miss Betty is going to "That Dirty Dog" for a bath with Madam. I'll try and get two bed built and filled with dirt before the temperature hits unbearable.


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