Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Balmy Outside

It's warmed to a balmy 37F outside and we might even hit 40 plus today. Even warmer for  the next few days. We survived the cold snap with no damage except to the winter garden. I might still get a cabbage or two but everything else is frost burned. If anything good can be said about it it is that at least it killed some insect pests and set the buds on the fruit trees.
Still in winter mode though. Getting ready for a pot of leek and potato soup for dinner and since I have the time I am making a batch of French bread to go with the soup. Not my two day version which requires a sour dough chef but the quick version with just yeast. It's on its ferment stage right now but in a few minutes I will form the batards and it all should be ready for dinner.
I hope everyone else survived the "dreaded polar vortex" which Obama made up just so he could tie this cold snap to global warming.

Since it is Elvis' birthday today I should be having grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches for dinner but it is going to be potato soup. Happy Birthday Elvis and maybe they will let you off early tonight from that diner your working in so that you can celebrate.

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