Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of Dr. Carl Sagan's passing. He was one of the major influences in my life and how I approach the way I look at the world. He, in many ways, was like a Zen master. With Dr. Sagan, you didn't need mysticism, or magic or any supernatural explanation for the things in the world to inspire and delight. The simplest things in the world when seen through his eyes were wondrous and fascinating. Whether it was astonomy, biology, chemistry, or physics everything was astounding when seen with Carl's guidance. The thing about Carl was that he was fascinated and awed by the universe not because it was cool science but because it was fascinating to understand our place in it and how intertwined everything was.
Carl Sagan knew that understanding the Universe and our place in it couldn't help but to cause us to marvel at it and therefore love and cherish it. This wonder and awe make working to protect and preserve it instinctive and natural. It made us understand that by preserving it we are also preserving ourselves. I truly believe that Carl Sagan wanted, more than anything, for us humans to recognize the necessity of surviving and finding our proper balance with the rest of the universe. He wanted us to grow, evolve, understand and find a completeness with the universe. He desire was us to stay alive and grow out into the universe and fulfill our destiny as an integral part of the whole.
Thank you Dr. Sagan for opening my eyes to the wonder surrounding us all. My life is more complete because of you.
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