Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Give Barbara Boxer a Thumbs Up

click on the link below and let Barbara Boxer know you support her efforts to take the Senate's role of "advice and consent" seriously with respect to the confirmation of Condi Rice.
Petitiion Link
Barbara Boxer:
"During the full Senate debate over Condoleezza Rice's nomination tomorrow, I intend to take the floor, joined by many other of my Democratic colleagues, to express my frustration about Dr. Rice's lack of candor during the confirmation hearings -- her unwillingness to level with the American people about the misleading statements she made about aluminum tubes, mushroom clouds, and connections between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda to try to justify the war in Iraq.

Condoleezza Rice refused to come clean about the actual number of trained Iraqi forces on the ground. And perhaps even more disturbingly, she refused to tell us why she personally intervened to kill an anti-torture provision in a recent intelligence bill."

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