Friday, March 10, 2006

No Sex Just Die

Behind the scenes the "jumped by Jesus" crowd is spreading love and support everywhere they go.
In the most recent New Yorker , Michael Specter tells us how they have been spreading all this love. They have waged a "below the radar" war against some very critical vaccines, especially the one against human papillomavirus or HPV. This vaccine has proven in clinical trials that it would drastically reduce the incidence of cervix cancer, in fact, almost to zero. The theowhacks opposes it as a mandatory childhood vaccination. Why do they oppose such a boon you ask? Because it removes a disincentive to having sex in teens and unmarrieds. That's right let's let hundreds or thousands of people die needlessly because we don't want any teens to be encouraged to have sex because they aren't scared of getting HPV. Keerist on a tricycle!

It doesn't stop there folks. If tomorrow our scientists discovered a vaccine for HIV they would oppose that too!
From the New Yorker (sorry no link)
"Religious conservatives are unapologetic; not only do they believe that mass use of an HPV vaccine or the availability of emergency contraception will encourage adolescents to engage in unacceptable sexual behavior; some have even stated that they would feel similarly about an H.I.V. vaccine, if one became available. 'We would have to look at that closely,' Reginald Finger, an evangelical Christian and a former medical adviser to the conservative political organization Focus on the Family, said. 'With any vaccine for H.I.V., disinhibition' - a medical term for the absence of fear - 'would certainly be a factor, and it is something we will have to pay attention to with a great deal of care.' Finger sits on the Centers for Disease Control's Immunization Committee, which makes those recommendations."
I know Jesus is mighty proud of these folks for their efforts in ridding the world of sex.

Nod to Atrios

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