Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Daily Snow Job

It's now official that Tony Snow is the new White House press secretary. Evidently he wanted to more than just be a parrot but wanted to be "an active participant in administration policy debates." So what am I missing here? I would think that as a talking shithead on Faux News wasn't he already an "active participant in administration policy"?

The story from the Whorehouse is that he is being brought on board to smooth over things with the press corps:
A senior administration official said last night that Bush is aware of the "perception of disdain for the institution of the media" on the part of the White House and wants a spokesman who will forge "a good working relationship" with journalists.

The official said the president is also looking for "a forceful advocate for the type of historical change he's trying to accomplish" and added: "We believe Tony fits the bill in both areas. He has a lot of experience on the air, which with the evolution of the briefings is something you have to take into consideration."
Talk about putting lipstick on a pig! How is this going to make any difference in the complete bullshit that comes out of the Whorehouse?