Sunday, August 06, 2006

Now We're Pussy Insurgents

Newt was on Fox News this morning according to Think Progress. This is the money quote;
Third, you have what I think is a legitimate insurgency in Connecticut, which needs to be met head on and debated head on, which is people who say this is so hard, it is so frightening, it’s so painful, can’t we come home and hide? And I think if Lamont wins next Tuesday, it will be the beginning of extraordinarily important period in American politics, and in American history. For all of us to have this debate. How dangerous are the terrorists? How dangerous are the dictatorships? And what does America have to do in that kind of a dangerous world?
Congratulations boys and girls we have graduated from traitors or whacky lefties or dirty hippies into full blooded, card-carrying "insurgents". Should we expect the laser guided rockets next?
Seriously, this is a sign that the entrenched GOP and the small handful of Democrats who love them are running scared. Their little racket is falling down around their ears and they see their paychecks shrinking. Worst of all the neocons like Gingrich who want to see the world devolve into WWIII so that the U.S. can become the only force on earth and controller of all the oil are fearing the loss of their playground. They know if the sane people take over they are going to be hard pressed to continue their Project for a New American Century.

I especially like this little phrase "people who say this is so hard, it is so frightening, it’s so painful, can’t we come home and hide?"
This is classic Newt trying to paint us a "Cut and runners" can't you see the hidden visuals of us cowering in the corner and whining about how hard the war is. Real men don't hide from tough decisions and scary things. These "insurgents" are just pussies.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that the "insurgents" kick some serious ass in CT on Tuesday.

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