Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Summer In a Glass

I made another batch of Gazpacho yesterday. Madam had a covered dish luncheon today and elected to take it as her contribution. I, of course, made extra. As I mentioned a while back, you shouldn't miss this time of year when everything is available locally and more importantly very fresh to take advantage of the season's great gifts. Nothing I can think of is more refreshing when the temperature outside is in the triple digits than this ice cold soup. There are recipes everywhere but you don't have to use one. Fresh ripe tomatoes, cucumber, onion. red/green pepper, celery, garlic a dash of Tobasco and some red wine vinegar and salt and fresh herbs to taste. No rules

Throw in some good crusty bread and a cool glass of white wine and you are ready to rock. If you like add some cold steamed shrimp or lump crab meat and you have a glorious, and healthful lunch that will take some of the wilt out of your pinafore.


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