Saturday, July 06, 2013

But We're the Richest Nation Right?

Not so much. We've got a lot of billionaires but that comes at the expense of the rest of us. As the 1% get richer the rest of us get poorer. In fact, when compared to other developed countries, when it comes to per-adult median wealth, we rank #27:
Country Median Wealth per Adult
1. Australia $193,653
2. Luxembourg $153,967
3. Japan $141,410
4. Italy $123,710
5. Belgium $119,937
6. United Kingdom $115,245
7. Iceland $ 95,685
8. Singapore $ 95,542 (non-OECD)
9. Switzerland $ 87,137
10. Denmark $ 87,121
11. Austria $ 81,649
12. Canada $ 81,610
13. France $ 81,274
14. Norway $ 79,376
15. Finland $ 73,487
16. New Zealand $ 63,000
17. Netherlands $ 61,880
18. Ireland $ 60,953
19. Qatar $ 57,027 (non-OECD)
20. Spain $ 53,292
21. United Arab Emir. $ 47,998 (non-OECD)
22. Taiwan $ 45,451 (non-OECD)
23. Germany $ 42,222
24. Sweden $ 41,367
25. Cyprus $ 40,535 (non-OECD)
26. Kuwait $ 40,346 (non-OECD)
27. United States $ 38,786

If you take a close look at the list you will see that all the "socialist" know...the ones that provide everyone with healthcare and all that crap are, in many cases, well ahead of us. Even poor old Cyprus, who got "gang banged" by Germany and the rest of the EU and even struggling Spain are better off than the average American.The secret is that this is all a result of the great American idea that making more money from money is more important than making anything real.

You can read more about this over at Firedoglake.

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