Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Such A Deal

Let's tally the score so far:
Appoint completely inept managers with no experience in disaster planning.
Fail to respond in a timely manner to one the worst natural disasters to befall the country.
Remove restrictions on wages so that the people who's lives and property have been destroyed won't make a fair wage and thus won't be able to afford the substandard housing they build.
and finally if that were not enough...Remove sanctions on hiring undocumented aliens so that you can lower the wage mark even further.

At a time when Latino immigrants are expected to form a big part of the Gulf Coast reconstruction labor pool, the Department of Homeland Security has temporarily suspended sanctioning employers who hire workers unable to prove their citizenship, essentially allowing contractors to hire undocumented workers.

That move followed President Bush's Sept. 8 decision to lift in Katrina-hit areas the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, which requires federal contractors to pay at least the average regional wage. Bush says it will hasten one of the world's largest reconstruction efforts.

Dubya's coporate buddies must be rubbing their hands at the thought. Think of the profits. Think of the American workers we'll be able to screw. Think of the profits. Think of the Latinos we'll have working at slave wages. Think of the profits.

Just when you think it can't get any worse...


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