Wednesday, January 16, 2008

We Need to Know

I wish I could say that I am surprised but I'm not. This is just another example of how useless the FDA has become under Shrub and company. Once again industry wins and the consumer loses. Consumers in America and the EU have rejected the idea of cloned meat but that apparently doesn't matter. The food industry lobbyists want to shove this down our throats and we don't have a say. Don't like it? Tough. I don't want to eat meat from cloned animals just the same way I don't want to eat vegetables and grains from GMO sources. I reject out of hand what the political idiots at the FDA say. I say they are lying.
But it will be hard to tell which foods do contain ingredients originating from cloned animals. The Food and Drug Administration ruled that labels won't have to reveal whether the food comes from cloned cows, pigs or goats, or the clones' offspring, because those ingredients are no different than meat or milk from livestock bred the old-fashioned way.

"We found nothing in the food that could potentially be hazardous. The food in every respect is indistinguishable from food from any other animal," FDA food safety chief Dr. Stephen Sundlof said. "It is beyond our imagination to even find a theory that would cause the food to be unsafe."
It is absolutely amazing... 70% of the economy is based on consumer spending and yet the whole system is rigged against them. I think this is a case where Congress needs to step in and tell the FDA to pack sand and require proper labeling and while they are at it we should enforce the country of origin labeling laws already on the books.

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