I realized that I have been talking about gardening for quite some time but haven't posted a picture of the garden as it is now before everything is up and growing and there is green everywhere. Here is a picture of the garden as of today (5/6/09). Still not a lot growing that is visible...give it a month.
If you are interested...
In the left foreground is the garlic, to the right artichokes, eggplant, cabbage, potatoes, leeks and a little broccoli. Behind that are the tomatoes in their cages and behind that more tomatoes and all the peppers. The bamboo teepees are pole beans (green beans) and the balance of that row to the left are butterpeas. More beans and okra are immediately behind the teepees and at the back is the white and yellow corn and still more beans of different types. Off to the right, in the back, you can see the hills for the squash, cukes and melons. In the right foreground are the peas and behind them the sweet potatoes. Still left to go in are the winter squash and a few other things. I will get another picture or two as things progress (or not).
I thought I had better prove I was actually gardening after all the talk. Oh, you can click on the picture if you want a bigger rendition.
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