Monday, May 24, 2010

Oil Still Flowing and Caribou Barbie is Still Lying

Well nothing positive over the weekend on the oil spill. Now BP is saying they will try the "top Kill" on Wednesday morning. Never been attempted on a well this deep. Let's keep our fingers crossed. If this doesn't work then it may be August, when the relief well is complete, that the oil stops flowing. The devastation grows daily with more oil washing up in marshes and on beaches all along the coast. You just know thousands and thousands of gallons are flowing into the loop current and are headed into the keys and beyond. So sad and so preventable.

Sarah 'Where's the Money' Palin accused Obama of rolling over to BP because of all the money his campaign got from oil companies. The lady, and I use that term with a smirk, should actually check the facts before she runs off at the mouth. If she did she would find that of the millions pumped into political campaigns over the last 10 years some 75% has gone to the GOP. In the 2008 campaign Obama got 800 K$ and change and the dickhead that placed Sarah on the national stage received over 2 million. You won't see her statements challenged in the media however.

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