Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Damage Done

It's a good thing that the Bugman is out but the reality of the deal is that he has already done a lifetime's worth of damage to the American Dream. He will leave behind a legacy of corruption and slime that will forever stain the nation. DeLay may be gone but there are any number of well trained bastards that have studied at his feet.

The only answer is radical surgery. The GOP must lose control of congress in the next election. The residue of DeLay and his ilk permeates virually every aspect of business in Washington from KStreet and beyond. Tom Delay has poisoned the well with the help of Bush and Abramoff and all the rest and there is no other remedy but to dig another.

Our form of government works best when there is a balance of power in place. Two or more parties in place insures that there are people watching what is happening and willing to do something about it. With one party in power in all branches you get what we have. Corruption.
If you need an example, look at what was accomplished during the Clinton years inspite of the distractions of a stupid impeachment. That was when the GOP controlled Congress and there was a Democrat in the Whitehouse. It wasn't perfect but compare it to what we have now.

Bottom line...DeLay gone good...GOP controls all the branches bad. Gotta change.

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